What’s excellent about the Dare internship is that every week is filled with unique challenges, pushing myself to achieve my best. During the first three weeks, I learnt everything about the concept of trading, the energy markets and about Dare. There’s a lot to learn in a short timeframe, but picking the brains of analysts and traders helped a lot.
In the fifth week, I got the opportunity to lead a significant, challenging group project. I worked with other trading interns to create a Hurricane Report, researching its real-time effects on the markets. I found that collaborating on this was a great way of leveraging the skills that we all brought to the table, each adding in our unique insights.
Our project was hugely successful, garnering very positive feedback when we presented it to key stakeholders. This was the highlight of my internship, especially knowing that a project I completed could translate into a real trade idea.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed taking on the challenges in my internship; it allowed me to grow my skill set, work collaboratively, and really make an impact.
– Roland Bebja